Karnataka Milk Federation Celebrated the World Veterinary day-2014 under the Theme Animal Welfare at KMF Central Office, Bangalore on 26.04.2014.
During this occasion, Sri.A.S.Premanath, Managing Director felicitated Dr.Vishwanath Reddy, Rtd. Professor, Veterinary College, Bangalore and presented a momento on behalf of KMF for his remarkable contribution to animal husbandry activities.
Dr.V.Chandra Shekara Murthy, Chairman, Karnataka Veterinary Council, Bangalore, has inaugurated the function.. A special speech was delivered by Shri.Yatiraj(Dean) about the significance of animal welfare.
Karnataka Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.
KMF Complex, P.B. No.2915, D.R.College Post, Dr.M.H.Marigowda Road, BANGALORE - 560 029. Karnataka.
080-260 96800
Customer Care Number:
1800 425 8030 toll free 10.00AM - 5.30PM
(Except on Second Saturday,Fourth Saturday, Sunday & GOVT.Holidays)
Nandini Neravu Number(24*7):
Fax: 080-255 36105